Bulk Beef Ordering

The Grazer

1/4 of Beef | $7.00 a pound

The most convenient option! When ordering The Grazer, you receive a quarter of a beef (hanging weight of approximately 200-225 pounds) in a variety of meat cuts that are already chosen, cut and wrapped. This option is ideal for couples, seniors or someone single.

See the order form for further details.

Order Form

The Harvester

1/2 of Beef | $6.75 a pound

When ordering The Harvester, you receive half of a beef (hanging weight of approximately 400-450 pounds). Ideal for the small family. The cuts are open to your choosing!

See the order form for further details.

Order Form

The Producer

Whole Beef | $6.50 a pound

This is the full meal deal as well as the most economical option offered! When ordering The Producer you order a whole beef (hanging weight of approximately 800-900 pounds). The cuts are open to your choosing, as the animal is all yours.

See the order form for further details.

Order Form